Twin Palms Insurance Group

Our services

Our Services

What We Do

We Provide The Best Services ...

Property Insurance
General Liability
Personal Umbrella
Homeowners Insurance
Workers Compensation
Business Auto Insurance
Construction Insurance,

Our Services


Business liability insurance protects a company and/or company owner in the event of a formal lawsuit or any claim from third parties. Coverage includes financial liabilities incurred in addition to the legal defence costs of the company. There are three main types of insurance covering business liability: general liability insurance, professional liability insurance and product liability.

Our Services

Property Insurance

Insurance for commercial or business property is used to cover any commercial property. Commercial property insurance protects against risks such as fire, robbery and natural disasters. A variety of companies, including manufacturers, retailers, service-oriented companies and non-profit organisations, are insured with commercial property.


Our Services

Workers Compensation

 Workers compensation offers medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs to employees who are hurt or become sick “in the course and scope” of their job. It also pays death benefits to families of employees who are killed on the job

Our Services

Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance that covers losses and/or damages to a house and to assets in the home. Homeowners insurance also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on the property


Our Services

Personal Umbrella

An umbrella insurance policy is extra liability insurance coverage that goes beyond the limits of the insured’s home, auto or watercraft insurance. It provides an added layer of security to those who are at risk for being sued for damages to other people’s property or injuries caused to others in an accident. It also protects against vandalism, slander, libel, and invasion of privacy.

Our Services

General Liability

Small business owners, including partnerships and sole proprietorships put personal finances at risk in the event of a business related lawsuit. Even under a limited liability corporation (LLC), an individual could still be exposed to personal risk. Business liability insurance offers more financial protection than any legal structure offers


Our Services

Business Auto Insurance

A business automobile policy (BAP) provides coverage for a company’s use of cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles in the course of carrying out its business. Coverage may include vehicles owned or leased by the company, hired by the company, or employee-owned vehicles used for business purposes.

Our Services

Construction Insurance

Construction insurance is insurance that provides financial compensation for covered losses to a building or structure, as errors and unforeseen events can lead to damage and losses during a building’s construction. Building companies or other parties that have an interest in the property being built generally purchase it

Repairmen, building inspectors, exterminators, engineers, insurance adjusters, or other blue collar workers examine a building/home's exterior wall and foundation. One wears a red hard hat and clear safety glasses and holds a clipboard.  The other holds a digital tablet.